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What do you think - how many utilities do you really need to gain an advantage over your opponents? Three? Five? Six?

In fact the number is [link to answer], if you use a professional client software like VPA...

What's VPA? First, VPA stands for VGA-Planets Assistant and was developed by Alex V. Ivlev as an alternative to the standard DOS client. But VPA is much more than a simple substitute for traditional DOS users. Some of its really cool features:

Read the whole feature list here and imagine what VPA can do for you - it's freeware after all!

Of course there are some drawbacks:

Take a first look at the interface and download it here (215 kb)

And what is the utility you may need beside VPA? FLEETS.EXE, of course. I wonder why Alex Ivlev hasn't incorporated such a feature in VPA already. Fleets will keep track of all ships that you encounter during the game. It lists them by ID and allows you to store individual messages for each entry. It's also a DOS utility but should work from Win95/98 as well.
Download the description (8 kb / RTF format) or the zipped program file (32 kb)

The following collection may be of use for specific purposes:


If you are still searching for other utilities, take a look at Halfling's site!

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